或许可以用期末考试在即来解释,但是自己很清楚跟 MH370 失联这件事脱不了干系。
第一个不安的原因是这件事在情感上给我冲击很大。正如 BoardingArea 的 Ben 所概括:
While it shouldn’t be that way, I think there are flights we can picture ourselves on and flights we can’t picture ourselves on, and subconsciously it impacts our feelings. If an Air Koryo flight out of Pyongyang goes down I’d feel horribly, but I wouldn’t totally be able to relate. Because flying them seems foreign to me, while flying an airline like Malaysia Airlines feels like “home” to me (even if they’re on the other side of the globe).
马来西亚航空和国泰航空同属寰宇一家且同为 Skytrax 5星航空公司。因此,这次事故对我这个国泰常客的冲击远大于此前任何一次事故。突然就觉得航空事故离我距离很近。尤其是考虑到在去年,我还有尝试马来西亚航空的想法。
At this point, no further developments regarding MH370 has been confirmed. We are waiting for new updates from DCA on the SAR efforts.
— Malaysia Airlines (@MAS) March 9, 2014
此外,众多航空公司在社交媒体上表态不可避免地让我留下事故之后先忙着公关的印象(虽然明白那些公关部门 are doing their jobs)。
Our thoughts are with all on board Malaysia Flight MH370, their families and employees. As a partner in oneworld, we stand ready to assist.
— americanair (@AmericanAir) March 8, 2014
Our thoughts are with all on board @MAS #MH370 and their families. As a member of oneworld alliance, we stand ready to assist in any way.
— Cathay Pacific (@cathaypacific) March 8, 2014
The employees, customers & families of those onboard @MAS 370 are in our thoughts. As a oneworld alliance member, we stand ready to assist.
— Qatar Airways (@qatarairways) March 8, 2014
All on board #MH370 and their families are in our thoughts. As a fellow oneworld alliance member we stand ready to assist.
— Finnair (@Finnair) March 8, 2014
To 那些宣称 ready to assist 的寰宇一家成员:快够!做好你们的飞机维护工作并加强安保就是你们最好的 assist 方式。(顺便链接一条旧闻:星空联盟/泰航也快够!)
写完这篇发布之前关于这一点的 Update:看到马航信息页(存档)出现了这样一个陈述:
好吧我承认这算 assist。但是这句话听起来好像其他成员帮了很大忙似的,其实再正常不过了。
距离上次更新 blog 已经很久。期间发生的许多事情都未能促使我这个懒人更新。但是发生 MH370 这样的事情让我无法静默。愿逝者安息,生者坚强,航空安全。
At the end of the day, life goes on. 几个月之后,我大概又会登上一架777-300ER继续我的飞行路吧。